Roompot Zeeland with cara bungalows

Looking for a holiday park in Zeeland with cara bungalows? For people with respiratory problems, cara-friendly accommodations are a welcome option. Normal holiday homes are used by many people, so some dust, pollen or pet hair sometimes remains behind. Cara-friendly accommodations are designed to keep the holiday home as clean as possible. Special duvets, extra dense cushion covers, an air filter and/or pollen screens are used for this, which are attached to the windows.

Take a quick look at the overview below to see which holiday parks in Zeeland have one or more holiday homes with cara bungalows. Use the filters to further refine the overview of holiday parks. It is also possible to show the holiday parks on a map.

Roompot Noordzee Résidence De Banjaard

Roompot Noordzee Résidence De Banjaard

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De Banjaard, a Roompot holiday park, is located in Zeeland. Here you can walk through the dunes and swim in the sea. There is an indoor swimming pool, a mini golf course and a Koos Kids Club.

  • Located by the sea
  • Child-friendly park
  • Lots of leeway
  • Small pool